Zero Waste CSA Week 6
Just a quick post! This week we received carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, dill, snap peas, cucumbers, broccoli, yellow squash, cauliflower, and tomatoes.
- With this week’s CSA I had the luxury of not having to be too creative this week with my cooking. I bought a big tub of humus and we ate the carrots, broccoli, and snap peas with it.
- This weekend my dad and little brothers came up to help us put a patio in at our place. The morning that they came, I threw together an egg casserole with tomatoes, bell peppers, fresh basil (from our very first box), and cheddar cheese.
- While my little brothers were in town, I thought that I’d make the cauliflower mac & cheese. They were excited that I was making homemade mac & cheese, but when I brought it out they were not fooled. Collin and I ended up eating the whole thing by ourselves (which was even more delicious after making it the second time around) and the little brothers made a box of kraft.
- One night this week we grilled some meat on our new patio and I roasted some yellow squash with parmesan.
- Pickles— I pickled cucumbers this week with the cucumbers and dill. This is an easy recipe that I follow.
- Carrot Top Pesto— I just blended everything (a bunch of carrot tops, garlic, about a cup of basil, pine nuts, and oil) until it’s the consistency that I wanted. I topped the pasta with a whole bunch of diced tomatoes and parmesan, because neither Collin nor I are huge pesto fans, but this was a good recipe. We have some leftover pesto, and I am planning on tossing it with chicken and lime juice to make chicken pesto tacos.
- On top of all of the food that we are receiving from our CSA, Collin’s garden has been producing several zucchini every week. This week I made some zucchini bread for our airbnb guests that was delicious!
What recipes are you making this week?
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